Swiss System Tournaments
In multi-player swiss tournaments there is a pre-set number of rounds that depends on the number of players (and can be adjusted by a Tournament Director -- TD). The results for each round are denoted by the table which lists all players & their games versus each other.
For results, wins are marked as 1, losses are marked as 0, and draws are marked as 1/2.
The pairing for the next round is performed by a TD and follows established Swiss system algorithms.
At the discretion of the TD, the Swiss tournament can become a round-robin. TD announces the number of rounds in the tourney at the start of the tournament. After the final round, the winners are determined based on the players' number of wins, losses or draws which determine their final scores.
For the point-based games (such as gin rummy, cribbage, dominoes, etc.), if the scores are equal, the winners are determined by tie-breakers. Tie-breakers are based on the players' 'Win Margin' -- by how many points they won over their rivals (totaled for all games). The Win Margin can be also negative if players lost more points than they won. If both the scores and the Win Margin are the same, the winner is determined by rating. The Win Margin is re-calculated by the system after each round & can be adjusted by a TD. Win Margin serves as a tie-breaker for players who otherwise got equal number of wins.
For chess, checkers & backgammon the tourney table after each pairing shows the starting color for each player.
At every round new pairings/results are displayed as a diagram when the 'Update' button is pressed. The top player listed in each pair is responsible for setting up the table for the next round. If your opponent agrees, it is possible to 'double-up' any individual game to also count as a Mini-Tourney' game for the agreed-upon number of Tickets.
Tournament Director (TD) is responsible for organizing & starting the tournament.
While the tournament is proceeding, TD is present in the Tournament room at all times. TD is responsible for pairings, for starting each round, for keeping accurate results and, ultimately, for ensuring the fairness of the tournament.
The players can freely sign up for the tournament and withdraw from the tournament (up to 5 min prior to the start of the tournament). Once the player signs up for the tournament, the entry fee gets automatically deducted. Upon withdrawal, the entry fee gets automatically refunded. The players are required to be present in the tournament room within 5 min of the start of the tournament. If the player decides to withdraw while less than 5 min are left until the start of the tournament, only 1/2 of the entry fee gets refunded.
If the tournament is cancelled for any reason, all entry fees are refunded and all participants are notified.
Single Elimination Double Elimination Tournaments Overview