How to select gin rummy games for review
For your completed Mini-tourneys & Tournaments, you can now review your own gin rummy games visually hand-by-hand, move-by-move.
You can only review your daily list of gin rummy games if you are logged in.
You can select any day and view your games played during that day.
By reviewing and analyzing your games, you can see what mistakes were made in the game, you can learn your opponents' styles and preferences and bring your gin rummy playing skill to a new level.
How to use Gin Rummy Game Viewer
Below is a sample gin rummy game as seen using gin rummy game viewer.
On the right-hand side of the cards there's a game navigation panel. You can navigate each hand and each move within a hand.

Most moves in gin rummy consist of 2 moves - 'taking' a card and 'discarding' a card.
That's why the visual move description for each player is split into 2 parts -- 'take' and 'discard'.