Play BuckMan Online
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BuckMan Game
Object of the Game
The object of the game is to earn points by having your BuckMan eat as many yellow dots and bonus Dollars as possible
while avoiding the Red Spiders
Eating bigger yellow "power pills" in the corners of the board turns Spiders Green and edible by BuckMan for a while
Playing the Game
Control your BuckMan by using the arrow keys on your keyboard.
Have your BuckMan avoid the Red Spiders and eat the yellow dots as you maneuver it around the board.
Try getting the rotating Bonus Dollars when they appear.
When pursued by Red Spiders, have your BuckMan eat the Power Pill -- a bigger yellow dot initially located in each of
the corners of the board. After consuming the Power Pill, the Spiders will turn green for a while. Green Spiders will try to run away from BuckMan and BuckMan will be able to outrun the Spiders while they are Green. BuckMan has 3 lives.
Point Values
Eating a Yellow Dot
5 points
Eating a Rotating Bonus Dollar
100 points
Eating a Green Spider
50 points
Strategy Tips
Eat the Power Pills sparingly -- only when your BuckMan is closely pursued by Red Spiders. This will make it possible
for BuckMan to attack the Spiders after eating the Power Pill.
Your BuckMan is slower than Red Spiders but when BuckMan keeps taking turns, the lone Red Spider will not catch up with it.
Play BuckMan Online